

We are a 5300 square foot facility with 2 bathrooms and shower (December/January 2014) for your convenience.

Located on the border of Waltham(Watch City) and west Newton, MA. CrossFit Newton creates athletes. No matter who you are, where you are from, how old you are, or what your fitness level.

Our program efficiently combines the most effective training methods of Weightlifting, Gymnastics, and High Intensity Cardio. There isn’t a strength and conditioning program anywhere that works with a greater diversity of tools, modalities, and drills.

At CrossFit Newton we train hard. Harder than you ever thought possible. We train with intensity and purpose. Our training is goal oriented and peer driven. We struggle together, We sweat together, we break barriers together, and we get stronger together. We have created a family with a strong bond that can’t be faked.  At CrossFit Newton we support each other, we motivate each other, and we  take care of each other.

CrossFit will change your life. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

“Impossible is just an opinion”